In Chinese martial arts, has "wrestling don't waist, all art is not high," said, Bruce lee in the film "the fury of the dragon," said: "if you want to punch leg attack not soft soft foot, practice from the waist up, do the waist horse". Martial arts, there are a lot of quan to waist saying method are described, such as "like a wheel axle, hand", "waist such as crawling, walking stick", etc. Taijiquan theory about "up and down nine section strength, waist found". Visible, the practice and application of the waist is essence of martial arts attack.
A method with relations with power
Waist turning to take advantage of power, it can produce a punch kick of explosive. Keep boxing, for example, when the pedal to produce reaction force along the ankle, knee to hip, hip rotation force made a plane at hip cyclotron, cooperate waist muscle coordination, make its get to accelerate again, spread to the upper, lower back muscle strength and will merge to shoulder, shoulder joint of jitter, the extension of elbow, wrist, concerning the issue of the straight reach extreme power. Mastered the waist hip hard skills, the force of the upper leg strength and unity, as a whole, and ignores the role of unknown or waist, can only be local, scattered. Bruce lee once said: "to the waist for the hub, quickly turn waist, shoulder and arm stones, to reverse is learning to punch the basis of practice." Quan cloud saying: "the force by the waist hair roots, more injection underside trunk, limbs to brothers into a bit, abdomen move mountain also called force", also is the hair of the description. Waist and kick their strength have what relation? Bruce lee said, "the waist horse" is what mean? Horse, lunges, legs also. Is the drop waist and legs forces together. Without power to kick, although soon, but is often when the opponent's reaction had the top down. And mastery of the waist and leg from the ground reaction force to the waist, the waist to the thigh, again by ham to attack, place successively through like flowing water, the kicking force straight through each other, even playing in hundreds of kg person or object, the attacker won't since the fall, because the waist force and support legs to maintain, adjust their center of gravity, so the steady as a rock.
Second, waist force principle
Taijiquan proverbs "life source in the waist," cloud "of its roots in the foot, hair in the legs, dominate and waist, shape on fingers". If you look closely at the dog's movements, according to its hips on a kick, it will immediately turn back. Whereas a man of action compared to clumsy, many people turn to turn across the waist, the back is like wore a wide belt, stiff, flat, not flexible and turn by twisting, rolling. The waist is home to many organs, exercise the waist, and exercise to the internal organs, can achieve the purpose of longevity and health. From anatomy, the former have demonstrated (umbilical under three inches qi hai, also known as heart) before and after "Ming (between the kidney, which is also called HouXin). Around the breath of all employment, and accept employment, "demonstrated heavy gas, under the virtual to real, gas in the empty spirit contained within, walk five zang-organs skeleton, in layman skin fur", running around, four pin. Strength, the elastic transformation lies in lumbar kidney, kidney waist switching hub lies in "Ming hole. Movement, Ming hole as the prime mover, impetus chest sink, changing the actual tightness, only in this way can in the whole power. Waist is the hub of exercise, boxing theory of yue: "the trick in the waist, curse, between two kidney for the key hub of nakedness." Active power, maintain and adjust the focus through the waist, make action is both light and robust. "Have not machine not winner, then scattered. Will be in the waist and the disease." Shall not machine, must be manual and waist don't move, so the waist strength of roof strength must be empty spirit, shoulder heavy elbow, chest TaYao, bend your knees hip, demonstrated heavy gas, make the trunk straight, foundation, up and down the line. Only the rump?
3, the relationship between lumbar and wrestle
Wrestling is associated with lumbar method, just due to the movement range is small and ordinary people difficult to understand among them mystery. Mix have a typical training methods - block to practice, it is by hand pull with the crust, practice the rotation of the waist, experience, screw, cap, turn over, pry the strength changes. By leverage, make opponent lose focus. If the waist is not flexible, fell hard pull just a brute force, hard and no effect.
Fourth, waist method and actual combat
Quan cloud saying "a dozen posture of two fulgurate", say again "the posture is the foundation of the change. Posture of changes to the shaft on the waist waist as the axis, the throughput in the rotating flash, like a plane in the air as a stereo change, such as tigers and leopards are all waist contraction produced high-speed robot. Waist method if mastery of practice, the waist like installation of the bearings, can be freely to any Angle changes. This movement has practical significance? Namely "the swing of the body, when can make each other are less likely to attack, but also yourself, especially more powerful melee power. Its high light lies in the fact that both hands let go of, can at any time to each other blow, and enhance their own on the defensive, the other once exposed, will an opportunity can make oneself have good will". (Bruce lee) the waist of this composite changes is to avoid one another to attack enemy melee attacks. Right of offensive and defensive techniques, like firecrackers, and laws of waist, like a hang off firecrackers in the conductor, detonate coherent technique. Waist method practical application of the most typical example is the drunken master, seemingly east crooked west down, but it is every action has its purpose, in the seemingly casual clever to avoid the other's attack, see gap, is actually a waist, posture change model of application.
Five, the waist practice method
Since waist is so important, so, what are the waist, with the method of the waist? Here are some examples.
1, turn back. Stood open step, before the body prone, left ring back once upon a time, with two arms swinging on the move constantly. Again from circle to the right after the waist, left hand with the waist turning from the right country pull right ankle and body down, the left ear stick in the right lateral crus, try our best to conveniently five fingers of right hand gathered in hook lift on the arms behind, just stop for a moment. Left hand loosen his right leg and body began to loop back to the right, backwards, left waist, with the right hand to pull his left ankle, left hand into a hook lift on the arms. So loopback turn around the waist.
2, down the waist. Way stand, lift on two arms unbend, his hands palm up five fingers cross holding, body anteflexion, then put his hands in front of the toe post. Hands loosen the back copy to embrace and hold below the calf, and make the face close to the front of tibia. Straight up the reduction of body, hands and lift on straight arm handshake, do the second time.
3, lateral prone waist. And stand, lift on two arms unbend, his hands palm up five fingers cross holding, lower limbs, waist do lateral leaning towards left leg, with lateral stick in the foot. Recover the body straight, lower limbs, waist right turn right leg lateral leaning, so left and right rotation.
4, low back. Open step stand, hands on the arm straight out the front of lift, palm upward, look up, back to the wall, long wall bending down, to feel the waist can't bend so far, insist for a while up to do.
5, jilt waist. Open step stand, hands on the arm straight out the front of lift, palm upward, look up and see his hands in the waist joint for shaft rotate forward and backward. Practice, practice times according to their own situation to decide, in case of injury.
6, stick to the waist. With a stick in his shoulders straight, practice waist can be easily. From the photo you can see Bruce lee a stick movement around the waist, here are some ways to exercise.
(1) the level of return. , stick with both hands on his shoulders, legs open to turn to the left waist, pause, and then turn to the right level, so as to realize the punch shoulder waist with spinning technology main point.
(2) the former is inclined to stick. Before level by hands holding rod moves up, the body prone, held in the right hand feet direction stick to left, behind the back upright posture, do like right side turning point again.
(3) inclined rear turn to bat. Stick with both hands by movement, the body turn right rear, extremely limited, stick to the left heel direction under the point, make the rib waist muscle workout. Pause, restore level the rod action, do again after turning left, heel to the right direction "point.
(4) side arc. Hands levels hold the stick to stand, left hand make rowed small round stick in a side, pause, then do the right in the right row circular movements.
Note: shoulders to carry a stick movement, is easy to rotate around the waist. If you stick at both ends of the attach a heavy weight plate and so on, can have the effect of practice waist strength. Do the above practice, horizontal rotation, realize power fist straight line. Side draw arc, can realize spiral drilling sending force upward, with the waist practice ability, can be directly applied to actual combat.
7, waist practice ability. The waist should not only have the flexibility, and want to have power, so the waist is like spring explosive. Practice waist, thongs, springs, pulleys and other auxiliary equipment. After a full practice, has the capability of the waist, combined with the right power technology, can form strong fierce attack.
(1) 水平回转。两腿开立,双手持棍置于肩上,向左尽力转腰,稍停,再向右方水平转动,借以体会出拳时肩腰配合转动的技术要领。
(2) 前斜下点棍。由双手水平握棍动作起,身体前俯,右手握棍向左脚面方向转动,起身后恢复直立姿势,再做象右脚面转点动作。
(3) 斜后方转棍。由双手持棍动作起,身体右后转,至极限时,棍向左脚跟方向下点,使腰肋肌力得到锻炼。稍停,恢复水平持棍动作,再做向左后转,向右脚跟方向斜点动作。
(4) 体侧划弧。双手水平持棍站立,左手使棍在一侧划小圆,稍停,再做右手在右侧划圆的动作。