Danzi Boxing is one type of external exercise using hard force. It
focuses on the practice of the striking force of the second joint of the fist.
The method of this exercise is as easy as Saddle Skill. However, the former
focuses on the practice of the striking surface of the fist and the latter aims
to the practice of joints of the fist. Clench fist as circle, bending the first
joint of fingers to the end of fist without curling. Parallel with the back of
hand and bend the thumb to the center of the palm just as grappling in Catch and
Hold Skill. After doing that mentioned before, strike out the outshoot of the
fist. At the beginning of training, it is better to strike the fist on a flat
wooden board, with bending elbow and smashing fist out. As the use of joints of
finger, it is easier to hurt finger. Therefore, this skill is to be practiced
from easy to difficult and complicated, from soft objects to hard ones
gradually. Don’t be anxious to make success. First practice the skill using a
solid wood, then change it to stone, and finally use iron board. You can be
successful if you can hit the iron board using your joints of fingers. It is
better to practice your left hand.